18 Doughnut Treasures for Trisha's 18th Birthday
I was asked by my cousin Lanie to be one of the 18 Treasures at her daughter Trisha's debut party in the USA. Being in Singapore which is thousands of miles away from the grand celebration, I couldn't think of a memorable video greeting that my Goddaughter niece will truly cherish and her guests will enjoy.

Then I wondered that maybe I can give her a virtual tour of the Garden City of Singapore with some lessons. I had an even greater idea when I saw my friend Khaye's post of her son's birthday Doughnuts (instead of cupcakes) in facebook.
Here's how I did it with my ever supportive and patient husband director and cameraman. We went to six different places in Singapore and I thought of some wisdom to impart to my Goddaughter Trisha with 18 Doughnuts!
Changi Airport:
Doughnut (Do Not) be afraid to dream big. Travel the world! Explore different cultures. Believe in yourself and be a blessing and an inspiration to many by your wisdom and experience.
Doughnut (Do Not) let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity...Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. Then people will see you mature right before their eyes!"
Doughnut (Do Not) get consumed with social media. It has no real purpose other than self promotion through online approval. Your worth is not measured by the number of likes by online friends. Seletar Reservoir:
Doughnut (Do Not) have a boyfriend yet. Enjoy your time with your family and friends. Concentrate in your studies first. You will have more time for a serious relationship later in life.
And when the right time comes for you to have a boyfriend, Doughnut (Do Not) give yourself to your boyfriend before marriage. You are very precious in God’s eyes.
Doughnut (Do Not) be in a hurry, do everything in a quiet and calm spirit . Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset (St Francis de Sales). Church of Divine Mercy:
Doughnut (Do Not) forget your prayer time. As St Francis de Sales said, “Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed”.
Doughnut (Do Not) miss a Sunday mass. God gives us 168 hours a week; in only 1 of those hours does He expect us to attend Mass. The Mass is a privilege and a serious duty of the individual Catholic.
Doughnut (Do Not) indulge in self-pity. The best thing about being a Christian is we have a great God who is far greater that our troubles. Cast all your burdens upon Him and He will give you rest. Singapore Flyer:
Doughnut (Do Not) turn away or become bitter when your parents and grandparents, or bear grudges against your elders or lose your temper or raise your voice when they correct you. They love you very much! One day you will be a parent like them and you will understand them. Gardens by the Bay
Doughnut (Do Not) disregard your roots. You are what you are because of them.
Doughnut (Do Not) forget to call your parents if you will be home late. They are worried when they don’t know where you are. Just one call from you will ease their worries.
Doughnut (Do Not) eat too much especially after dinnertime. You are what you eat. Eat only nutritious food that are good for your body, like fruits and vegetables. Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Doughnut (Do Not) sleep late unnecessarily. Every person needs at least 8 hours of sleep to be able to think well. It’s not good for your skin and you will have big eyebags. Marina Bay Sands Shoppes
Doughnut (Do Not) spend too much money on material things. Choose the “more humble purchase” always.
Doughnut (Do Not) love the world's ways. Practically everything that goes on in the world- wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important- all these have nothing to do with God’s plans for you.
Doughnut (Do Not) procrastinate. If you have planned to do something today, do not put it until tomorrow.
We ended at TWG Boutique on the Bridge with a Chocolate Truffle Cake and Tea infused Ice Cream with a Pot of Tea. Doughnut No 18 - Do Not brag of your wisdom or riches or talents. Be humble always. Brag only of your faith in the Lord.
I adviced Trisha to ponder these doughnuts (Do Nots) in heart, "Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart. And you will win favor in the sight of God and man!"
May God help her!