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My Story

Hi there!


I’m Rhodora Jader Fetalvero, more fondly

known as "Doods" to my family and close friends.  


I'm a Catholic wife, mom and  sister.


I received the Sacrament of Matrimony 22 years ago with my loving and thoughtful husband, Boy Fetalvero.   We are blessed to be the parents of  three respectful and obedient sons, Nathaniel, Ezekiel and Gabriel, aged 21, 17 and 15, respectively. 


I gave up a rewarding IT Profession and chose Motherhood as my calling and vocation.  For more than a decade now, I never had a hint of regret for that great big decision in my life.  All I can say is that  “I should have done it earlier!”


Being a stay-at-home mom helped me to realise that the most important things in life are not things.   But to nurture a deep and loving relationship with God, my husband,  my children,  while serving them and the community. 


Although I was busier at home than I used to be when I was working, I made sure to start my day with prayers. 


As Saint Francis de Sales said, “Each Christian needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy…then we need an hour.”


Each day, I have plenty of time to  “really know the living Jesus – not just from books but from being with Him in my heart, as I listen to Him speak His loving words to me”, as Saint Mother Teresa has said.  


I have learned to release all my worries into God’s hands, especially things concerning my husband and children.  When I offer them to His loving care, I feel secured that even if I am not with them, I know that the Lord is watching them.


All of us are blessed with different gifts.  Mine is an affinity with kids.  And my favorite topic is how best we as parents can help our children grow up with Godly traits and virtues to bless others, while cherishing beautiful and happy memories of their childhood which they can tap on in their adulthood.


But of course, a happy child is almost certain with happy parents.  First and foremost, Boy & I made sure to nourish our marriage by offering ourselves to God and by being conscious of each other’s needs for affection and attention.  By demonstrating our selfless love and care for each other to our children, we are creating an atmosphere of love and joy in our home that will help them feel secured, leaving a

lasting mark in their young minds and hearts.


Can you imagine the possibility of a peaceful home with a family of 4 boys, (father included)?   I hope to impart some wisdom, virtues and inspiration to wives and parents, as I share the fruits of our partnership with God in making our marriage grow while bringing up Godly, gentle, thoughtful, sweet, happy and loving children in this electronic day and age.


Throughout this blog, I will highlight some wisdom, virtues and inspiration that brings joy to our home and family, bringing us

closer together and to God. This is not to boast about ourselves but to serve as an inspiration to encourage you to make a conscious effort to practice them in your own family. 


By the way, did I mention that I am also a sister in the community, lending a listening ear and giving advice to friends?  I can be your caring sister too if you will allow me! 


Please feel free to post your comments below.


Thanks for reading!  See you soon!  J






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